Brand Guidelines

Find a Grave® Style Guide and Logo

When referencing the site, we use the full name with capitalization: Find a Grave® (always use a lowercase 'a'.) When using the name of the site, please include the ® mark after the first instance.

We avoid using acronyms for the site name, but if necessary we use FG.

The current logos for the site are below. These logos are and remain the property of Operations Inc. and are intended for press and media use only. Other than resizing, any modifying or altering of these resources is strictly prohibited. If you would like to use any of these resources for any other purpose, please contact [email protected] to request permission.

Logos for use in the United States

Find a Grave logo on white.
Find a Grave logo on white.
Alternate Find a Grave logo.
Alternate Find a Grave logo.
Find a Grave logo on dark background.
Find a Grave logo on dark background.

Logos for use outside of the United States

Find a Grave logo on white.
Find a Grave logo on white.
Alternate Find a Grave logo.
Alternate Find a Grave logo.
Find a Grave logo on dark background.
Find a Grave logo on dark background.