
Member for
9 years 6 months 17 days
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Memorial bios offer info deemed reliable and historically documented or sourced by family/other valid sources like archives;
Disagree? Please send sources...Genealogy is not perfect. Remember, this site has 157 million memorials: some have errors,duplicates, no gravestones, mistakes on gravestones surnames, mistakes on surnames, say memorials were created with databases & manipulated data, say burial sites are unknown or graves lost in time dating back to the first settlers to America, etc.. So, if editing info, please kindly share sources for attribution & collaboration.

"Remembering ancestors for the posterity of one's lineage is preserving history.~ author??

"One can tell the morals of a culture by the way they treat their dead." ~ Benjamin Franklin

"Remember your ancestors, you have their DNA." my quote

"When an old person dies, a library burns..." African proverb, author ?

Memorial bios offer info deemed reliable and historically documented or sourced by family/other valid sources like archives;
Disagree? Please send sources...Genealogy is not perfect. Remember, this site has 157 million memorials: some have errors,duplicates, no gravestones, mistakes on gravestones surnames, mistakes on surnames, say memorials were created with databases & manipulated data, say burial sites are unknown or graves lost in time dating back to the first settlers to America, etc.. So, if editing info, please kindly share sources for attribution & collaboration.

"Remembering ancestors for the posterity of one's lineage is preserving history.~ author??

"One can tell the morals of a culture by the way they treat their dead." ~ Benjamin Franklin

"Remember your ancestors, you have their DNA." my quote

"When an old person dies, a library burns..." African proverb, author ?

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